There are many people that have strong opinions about the way leaders over government are doing their jobs. I am included in that number. Recently Dan and I were in a citywide meeting of government, business and ministry leaders. The focus is to have a Biblical model of city government by bringing the leaders together to follow the kingdom of God. They are wanting some good things, but leading all of us to pray certain people out of office in our government caused us to be concerned about how we lead people dealing with this issue.
Two major problems with praying a person out of their office is you will never gain influence with that person to help change government and you will not have peace. God may want a change in that official or He may want you to become a major influence to help that person to see in a new way. Influence is a strong force and if you use it for good and for God, you will accomplish much for Him.
When the Apostle Paul went into a city, he tried to become an influence to the main rulers of that city. Christians have lost their influence because we have tried to change government in religious ways and not the way God intends. God goes after the hearts of men and women, and many times when we want our own agenda we forget that each government leader is loved by God and God wants their hearts. Paul was the example of what evil leadership looks like before he came to the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul was killing Christians everywhere, but God wanted Paul’s heart.
If we are going to pray against something in a leader’s life, don’t go after flesh and blood. Pray against the spirit that is behind the evil or darkness. Eph.6:12 (ASV) lays this out very plainly: “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.”
God loves all the people in your region or territory. Even if you have a hard time loving them, God doesn’t. He may not love all they do or what they stand for, but we are to pray for them and not against them. God promises us peace if we will do it His way. 1Tim.2:1-4 (NLT) instructs us, “I urge you first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.”
Do you want to see a change in your leaders? Pray for the hearts of the leaders. Pray for the right influences to walk close to them. Pray for blinders to come off. Follow God’s pattern and God may call you to walk alongside the leaders of your city to bring great influence and transformation. Wisdom will guide you if you ask for it. “It’s as easy for God to steer a king’s heart for his purposes as it is for him to direct the course of a stream” (Pr.21:1 TPT).